Thursday, July 12, 2012

Godspeed and Good Luck!

We’ve finally broken free of the anchor (hooray!) and are making our way out back into the Atlantic and Liverpool beyond.  We’re now back into the normal “routine” of classes and without skipping a beat, students are cramming for midterms/seminar.  It’s kind of funny to see the cadets in the evening without their class/color-coded boilersuits on (khaki for Mugs, navy for 2nd class, and gray for 1st class) but I can still tell them apart by how intensely they’re studying tonight.  Let’s just say more Mugs are playing chess than upperclassmen!

Like the STCW trainings, the exams coming up are going to push many cadets out of their comfort zones.  Just looking around the library tonight I can tell how seriously they are taking their studying… with the exception of a few Mugs taking a break to play a game of chess and check their emails.  A deck student by the name of Bridget Cooney (she says: “Hi Mom, and everyone!”) is studying for Rules of the Road midterm; here’s a sample question from what she’s currently

“What kind of lights does a ship over 50m need to carry?”

Likewise, tomorrow is a big day for engineers taking their (last!) seminar test.  Engineer Cadet Scott Lubliner shared one of the questions he was working on tonight at the next table to Bridget:

“An ullage reading is the distance from a given point at the ________ ?”

I can’t really say I understand it all, but I’m definitely impressed by their dedication – best of luck to everyone tomorrow!


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