Friday, June 19, 2015

Q Books and Gibraltar

We’re headed north along windy the coast of Southern France, crossing the white-capped waves along Bay of Biscay. We’ve had a lovely couple of days of sunshine and some low rolling ever since we left Gibraltar.

Speaking of Gibraltar, I think I may have mentioned how we spent some time “bunkering” there – the shipping term for getting gas. The large fuel tanker took a mere six hours to refuel our little ship, but it was nice to sit and take a look around the bay.  Part of refueling involved sending over some of our crew to the tanker.  Without the aid of pilot boat, we sent them over via a kind of industrial basket hoisted back and forth with a crane. Look out for the pictures of a caged cadet or two!

The other news I have is that it’s currently finals week for the cadets on cruise A. Everyone is working really hard at finishing their “Q” books, where all assignments and homework is logged. We have just three more days until Belfast, Northern Ireland where some of us will head home and the rest will get a much needed break from the daily grind of classes.

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