Friday, May 23, 2014

Philly Bound

En route from Baltimore to Philly, the ship's librarian, Oleg has sent us another update:

The berthing at Baltimore went well and the ship is sailing to Philly.

In Baltimore, Captain Smith hosted an alumni reception aboard the TSES. First class cadets, union members, and many Maritime dignitaries attended. It was a great opportunity for the cadets to meet and greet alumni. Joe Williams, author of “Four Years Before the Mast,” and one of our Maritime librarians, went out to greet the ship and also participated in the alumni event. Another reception is planned when the ship arrives at Philadelphia.

The training ship will be participating in the Delaware River Maritime Day celebration at Penn's Landing on May 24. Tours will be given of the Empire State VI and the Dredge McFarland and many other exciting events are planned.
For more information please follow the link:
An additional Note:
A Mariner's memorial service is planned at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

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