Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Across the Sea (photos too!)

Our Ship's librarian has sent an update.

The alumni event in Philadelphia went well with a great turnout despite a sudden rain storm that drove most attendees into the officers' Mess.

In the meantime, our cadets, in their usual swarms, had descended upon the City of Brotherly love.  However, at 0800 on Monday morning, the Empire State VI weighed anchor to head across the sea to Teneriffe, Canary Islands.

This year marks the 130th anniversary of the training ship's first voyage to the Canaries.  Back then, it was the venerable St. Mary's, a square-rigged sloop of war.  Today, instead of wind power we are moved by steam, but the feeling of excitement is no doubt as palpable as is was to the boys of the old schoolship.

Below are some photographs given to us by Cadet Damien Shea.  Please enjoy.

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