Friday, August 8, 2014

Barry the Bird

An Update from our ship's librarian Laurel


We struck anchor last night off of Montauk, Long Island – a pit stop on our way to Virginia where our MARAD “sea trial” begins. The color of the water here feels extremely familiar, reminding us that we are indeed close to home! The ship was so close to shore, in fact, that many of us picked up a bar or two on our phones. As a result, the library was rather empty last night, with everyone up on deck and chatting away. Cruise B is now clearly winding down and the cadets seem much more relaxed with many having already completed the "sheer torture" of their three-hour final exams. 

Awhile ago I mentioned our carrier pigeon-visitor, who sailed with us for a time and has finally re-entered the races. In his place, we have a new feathered friend to care for known as “Barry the Bird.” An ambitious sea gull, Barry suffered a minor concussion while diving down for food scraps and is currently being cared for in our avian sick bay on Boat Deck. Doctors say he has a healthy appetite and is right now enjoying his fill of imitation crab meat and sliced apple. Stay tuned for further updates on his progress and more news about the arrival of Empire State VI back to US shores! As for our present location, we’ll remain anchored until this evening for “quarterly drops,” the 4x yearly lowering of lifeboats into the water, and tomorrow will head south to Norfolk, Virginia.

Barry the Bird

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