Friday, August 2, 2013


Dear Readers,

As we head closer towards New York, students continue to study for their exams. The most popular academic books on the ship’s library are Bowditch’s “American Practical navigator,” the 2013 nautical almanac, the “Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation” volumes, and the TSES VI safety manual. The students also vigorously practice Morse code on the library's computer for their upcoming exams.

In their leisure time cadets read news that I receive from my shore colleagues and from the campus library. They also play foosball, battleship, chess and also do a lot of recreational reading. The most popular fiction books requested are by Lee Child. This is closely followed by “Game of Thrones,” and the "Dexter "series.  
We are currently in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone and just recently had to set our clocks back one hour.

Until next time,


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