Friday, June 29, 2012

Time is on My Side

Dear Readers:

Having set our clocks forward by three hours now, some might think we aboard the TSES would be feeling the effects similar to those caused by Daylight Savings Time.  Losing sleep is not to be taken lightly especially so quickly, but we are all mustering through with our routines as if we’d just left Norfolk.  Included in this routine is dedication to physical fitness.  Much like the first half of cruise w cadets will come into the common areas such as the cadet lounge and area just outside of the library to exercise.  Between “Insanity” (high-intensity cardio/kickboxing style class), “Zumba,” and the traditional jump rope, physical fitness is almost a 24-hour activity here aboard the EMPIRE STATE.  Yours truly even went to an officers-only Insanity session attended by Chief Mate and three other officers.   It is not an easy program, let me tell you, but it’s darn good for when there are so many free desserts available!

There are many upcoming quizzes and tests on cnav, ship’s safety, and firefighting coming before Gibraltar.  Last night like clockwork at 1930 the library was flooded by about 30 cadets all at once.  Every chair in here was taken! As soon as someone would leave, there would be a line out the door for someone else to take their place.  Excluding the movie, the library saw over 90 cadets last night! 

--Liz the Librarian-- 


Laurie 'B. said...

Thanks, so much, Ms. Liz, for keeping us parents in the know! Glad to hear about the extra exercise! Know my cadet [Sara Ballard] brought her Insanity discs...! Hope she is using them as well as the Library!!! If you see her, tell her mom says 'Hi!" and sends hugs and kisses!!! Good Sailing!

Valerie Potts said...

I really enjoy your blog aboard ship. keep up the good work, Thanks Valerie Potts