Monday, September 30, 2013

Farewell Constantia Constantinou


The Stephen  B. Luce Library bids a warm farewell to its director, Constantia Constantinou.

Constantia has been named the Dean of University Libraries at Stony Brook University.

She has served as the library director and library department chair since August of 2001.  Twice a recipient of CIES Fulbright awards, Fulbright Scholar (2010-11) and Fulbright Senior Specialist (2004-05), Constantia’s work and dedication has served to enhance the library’s strong museum collaboration with professional organizations.  Further, her commitment to advancing the principles of information provision and accessibility has been exceptional.

She has been a strong academic leader and a distinguished scholar as well as a mentor and inspiration to many.

We wish to express our gratitude to her for her many years of stellar service and dedication to the Stephen B. Luce Library.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2001 remembered

Remembering 9/11 
The Stephen B. Luce Library extends another invitation to everyone to view the exhibit commemorating the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. The exhibit showcases a few personal reflections on what happened on that tragic day. On display are memorabilia donated by Maritime’s own Major General Robert Wolf who was a first responder to the 9/11 tragedy. You can see Major Wolf's gears still covered by fine particulates, dust, and ash which were created by the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.  Prof. Michael Gray of the GBAT Department was also a first responder on 9/11 and has generously donated some items in memory of the fallen firefighters and police officers. Also on display are the personal photographs of Captain Robert Pouch, then the Director of Board of Commissioners of Pilots of the State of NY, who was a first responder on the rescue efforts by the maritime community in the New York Harbor. These photographs depict Captain Pouch's experiences on that tragic day and he went on to receive the 9/11 First Responders Medal in 2004.

The physical and digital exhibits are currently on display in the Library’s foyer area and an online slideshow is available via the Library’s web portal: